Barbara Cloyd

Songwriter, Bluebird Cafe Host, Songwriter Teacher

Next Play for Publishers WorkshopOct 3 - Oct 5, Nashville, TNApplication deadline Sept 1st



 Be heard

This three-day workshop is a crash course in what it takes to write for the commercial country market in Nashville.  Writers are invited to apply and up to sixteen will be selected based on their craft and creativity. Two different publishers per day will listen to one song from each writer selected and give feedback on the craft and commercial potential of their writing. Writers who are not selected can attend as auditors to network and learn.

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What People Say


I ask Barbara to listen and comment on 4 of my songs for pitching. Yes, I was hoping for her to say OMG get this to someone, its a hit, but the reality is that Barbara explained to me in a very understandable way why I have a hit song yet. It is not uncommon to be rejected when pitched but it is rare that anyone takes the time to help you understand why. that is what I wanted from Barbara’s review of my work, and that is exactly what I got. Coming from a person who has reviewed countless songs, it was refreshing to hear the pros and cons of my work, especially in a helpful, honest, and non critical way. I feel I have a hit in me. With support and help like Barbara offers, I can work toward making that a reality. Play On!

JJ Calicott

Having insight into my own songwriting tendencies from an outsider to my world is invaluable. Very helpful in maturing my songs appeal. Much appreciated Barbara!

Jason Williams

Barbara gave me thoughtful and insightful feedback on my lyrics. She knows so much! And she generously shared her ideas for possible improvements to my work as well as the things she truly liked about it. I had a very enjoyable experience with this knowledgeable music woman!

Kathy O'Rourke

I recently sent a couple of songs to Barb for her review and spoke to her just today. Not only does she have a very pleasant persona, she also gave me some wonderful insight as an experienced artist and reviewer. She offered some great suggestions on some of my lyrics which served to better present what I was trying to say. The revisions are things I did not see myself but as she explained them, they made a lot of sense and I am working to incorporate these ideas in my songs.. Thanks Barb…

Peter Laiosa

Excellent feedback from an artist who understands songwriting and the Nashville music scene. She took a good song and helped me make it better. Listen to what she says. She knows what she’s talking about!

Jeffrey Benedict

I sent Barbara a lyric sheet of my song, she gave me a great overview of how she thought it all went together. Then sense checked every line with me, explaining how small changes could improve the story and focus more on the characters. Speaking to Barbara you get a realistic, honest assessment from someone so experienced from working within the industry, and she still takes the time to help the next generation along. Her insights are invaluable.

Kevin O'Brien

I recently got a critique from Barbara and I really enjoyed hearing her insight. She gave me some helpful tips, and told me what she thought I was doing well. It was really energizing to hear her words, and gave me a confidence boost to keep going with my songwriting.

Rachel McIntyre Smith

I have had songs critiqued in the past, and I say without reservation that the feedback from Barbara was some of the most valuable I have received to date. She provides targeted suggestions that make it easy to focus in on specific issues within a song. I have often heard to show, not tell a story, but she offered detailed ways of doing so. Barbara took her time in critiquing and offered her feedback in a way that was straightforward and honest but also kind. ???? Everyone feels vulnerable when having their art scrutinized, but I never felt intimidated when speaking with Barbara. She is very clearly an expert in her craft and loves what she does. I left our session feeling positive and inspired. Thank you, Barbara!

Jenny Bollom

Barbara critiqued five of my songs last week and I feel like I have had a very helpful dose of supportive and straightforward feedback. She packs a lot into her critiquing sessions and it is a pleasure to work with her. Thanks Barbara!

Robin Firth

Barbara gave me great feedback on three songs. It is so helpful to have someone with both experience and a critical ear review your work. Especially when that person is both personable and easy to talk to! I’ve had time to work on integrating the feedback into one of the songs (hey we just talked last week…give me some time to get to the others!). It’s already much better. Snappier. More direct. Less ponderous. Gave the chorus a small but important chord change and a higher melody. Added a bridge. Dolby On video here:

Bill Enright

Hi Barbara,
The comments were very helpful.
Barbara gave me some great pointers and helpful tips to hone and
perfect my songwriting
She also praised the good parts.
If I put into practice her advice I will become a better composer and lyric writer

Peter Melhuish

Barbara’s song critiques are some of the best in town. They are always thoughtful, honest, candid, and thorough, which is exactly what I’m looking for in a song critique. I have only used the .mp3 feedback option and have always been satisfied with this format.

Scott Voelkerding

You work hard on a song you don’t really want someone to critique it and tell you all the things you have done wrong. In all fairness Barbara will also tell you what you have done right. One thing for sure is when she does a review she has listened to your song and given her thoughts on how to make your material better. Aside from her comprehensive reviews another nice touch is the choice she gives you to have your review in written form, via phone or by MP3. We chose the MP3 and it’s nice to listen rather than read IMO.

Rob Tambuscio

I sent Barbara 3 songs that I wrote many years ago and although they were new to her she knew they were dated. How great that is! Not only that, her feedback was full of stimulating ideas to improve them and make them more current. The unvarnished truth about a song is hard to find and Barbara gave me that in a very professional and constructive way. Thanks Barbara.

Tony D'Arco

Barbara Cloyd gave a good detailed analysis of two very different songs that I sent her for critique. She went into specific detail about parts she liked and didn’t like and her reasons why. I very much appreciate her honesty and detailed critique.

Richard Aberdeen

Ralph Murphy would be very proud of Barbara’s efforts. Great insight into what the Song has and lacks.
See you at the honky tonk Barbara.

Dennis Callahan

Barbara offers great insight for writers into what works and doesn’t work based on her years of experience in the industry. The feedback is constructive and to the point pointing out both strengths and weaknesses in the writer’s material. This is so helpful and important as it encourages and strengthens good habits that are producing results, and points out areas to improve or just refine and put some extra effort.
It’s so nice having a voice like Barbara’s when developing as a songwriter!

Wade Kilgore

As someone not connected in Nashville, it was invaluable for me to hear Barbara’s advice, grounded in experience. It is so hard to get honest critique from those who know and love you. As an attorney (my paying gig), I crave honest evaluation of my strengths and weaknesses as a songwriter, and available pathways for success. This is a tough business and Barbara helps you peek behind the curtains and understand the landscape. Very appreciative.

Mike M

Listen to my Lorrie Morgan Hit "I Guess You Had To Be There"

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PO Box 121497, Nashville TN 37212